15 Easiest Flowers to Grow

It's easier than you think to grow beautiful flowers! You just need to stick with these tried-and-true varieties and follow some basic rules. For starters, read the plant tag or description to learn if the flowers are annual flowers, which live one season, or perennial flowers, which come back for many years. (Here's more about annuals vs. perennials). If they’re perennials, make sure they'll survive winters in your USDA Hardiness zone. And don't forget to give them the kind of light they need. For example, if the plant tag says full sun, that means six hours or more per day; part sun is about half that. Don't cheat! Shade lovers will sizzle in the hot afternoon sun, and sun lovers won't bloom in the shade. You also must keep your new plants watered when you first put them in the ground and during any dry spells—that is, if you don’t get any rain for a week. (Or check out these drought-resistant plants!) And if you’re planting flowers in pots, make sure there are drainage holes, or drill a few in the bottom of the pot yourself so its roots won't stay soggy.

Sweet Alyssum
Sweet alyssum looks amazing tumbling out of baskets and window boxes or cascading over a wall. It comes in pure white and shades of pinks and purples and has a delicate scent that's lovely when planted next to seating areas. It even will survive a light frost, and pollinators absolutely adore it! Sweet alyssum likes sun but can handle a little shade.