15 Smallest Birds in the World

6. Common Firecrest
Firecrest (Regulus ignicapilla) is a small forest bird
Common firecrests (Regulus ignicapilla) are the brighter versions of the goldcrests and are super easy to recognize, thanks to the yellow-black stripe on their neck.

These miniature birds belong to the kinglet family of birds, the same as the goldcrest.

They grow only 3.5 inches long and have a wingspan of 5.11 inches. Weighing up to 0.17 birds, these are one of the smallest bird species in the world.

They love eating spiders, moth eggs, and small insects and are common birds often found in gardens in cities.

Apart from this, the common firecrests make evergreen woodlands their homes and are often spotted as part of larger flocks of other small birds.