20 Mesmerizing Photos Of Aurora Borealis That Got Selected For The 2023 Northern Lights Photography Competition

The ethereal beauty of the Aurora Borealis, also known as the Northern Lights, has captivated the imaginations of photographers and stargazers alike for centuries. In the pursuit of capturing the elusive dance of lights in the polar skies, photographers from around the world participated in the 2023 Northern Lights Photography Competition organized by the esteemed travel photography blog, Capture the Atlas.

Let’s embark on a visual journey through some mesmerizing photos that stood out among the competition, showcasing the breathtaking allure of the Northern Lights. And if you wish to check out the winners from last year, click here.

More info: capturetheatlas.com | Instagram | twitter.com | youtube.com

#1 “Beauty Of The North” By Elena Ermolina
Image source: capturetheatlas

Kola Peninsula, Russia

“On that beautiful night, the sky was painted green by the Northern Lights and their ethereal dance.

The Aurora was casting an incredible glow over the natural elements in the landscape. In this breathtaking moment, I managed to capture the celestial spectacle with my camera, which revealed even more colors than my eyes could see.”