20 Winning Photos Of The Nature Conservancy Photo Contest 2021

Though nature can live without photography, photography can’t live without nature. But nature is rapidly changing due to global warming and environmental effects caused by human activity. And photographers know this better than anyone since observing nature is part of their job. Thus many of the photos always have a bittersweet tone to them, no matter how beautiful they are: it painfully reminds us how fragile and important the balance in nature is. Therefore, the annual Nature Conservancy photo contest isn’t just about picking the best wildlife or landscape photo, it’s also about raising awareness for conservational efforts, which are sadly more and more needed these days. But let’s not end with a sad note, shall we? After all, what nature teaches us is that it can always adapt and bounce back, and it’s much more resilient than we give it credit for. No matter how many problems nature has or will have, it will always be an eternal source of beauty and inspiration.

We did an article of the Nature Conservancy photo contest three years ago. If you want to reminisce, review, or see them for the first time, you may find the link here.

More info: nature.org | Facebook | Instagram

#1 People And Nature, Third Place, Sebnem Coskun, Turkey
‘Covid-19 wastes’ are a new danger to aquatic life. According to a World Wildlife Fund report, an equivalent to 33,880 plastic bottles is being mixed into the Mediterranean Sea per minute, with waste washing up on the shores of Italy and Turkey.

Photograph: Şebnem Coşkun