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24 April 2024 ( 494 views )

22 Nightmare Fuel Photos That Made Me Rub My Eyes A Billion Times, Because I Couldn't Believe What I Saw

1. This arm caked in wood dust that looks really, REALLY concerning:

2. This dog groomed and dyed to have The Simpsons on them:

3. These "eggs" that were poached with balsamic vinegar:

4. This mystifying drained swamp:

5. This warning sign that was probably necessary, but kinda went too far at the same time:

6. This person trying to close the door on a moving train:

7. This fortune cookie:

8. This sky with a burnt orange hue from raging surrounding fires:

9. This up-close photo of a jumping spider:

10. This toilet installed specifically for bodily fluids at a funeral home:

11. And this transparent toilet:

12. This property filled with vultures:

13. This THING trying to breathe:

14. This double python surprise:

15. These braids found inside a thrifted dresser:

16. This terrifying (and very expensive) mishap:

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17. This "soft cabinet." Ew:

18. This "puppet" hiding in a shelf:

19. This "dental phantom" dental practice head from the 1950s:

20. This lava pit that looks like a gateway to hell:

21. This classroom celebrating Halloween in the '80s:

22. And finally, this rock that has a corpse face:

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