35+ Hilarious Moments Of Bears Doing Adorable and Ridiculous Things

Strong bears sure are big brothers of the woods. They are dangerous and furious when hungry or feeling invaded. Thanks to their intimidating appearance and powerful muscles, they aren't messed with by any wild animal. Still, we know that mother nature never creates any being perfectly majestic.
Those terrifying grizzly beasts are dedicating some time to derp around alone or with other fellow bears when they're not busy looking for food or sleeping. These silly moments were caught randomly by passers-by and shared on the internet. Now, bears have the chance to turn from the king of forests to the king of memes.
Normally, we don't have many opportunities to encounter a bear acting stupidly cute. So, if you don't mind, let us demonstrate how dumb one could be through this compilation!
#1. Absolute Unit Kodiak Bear