Ancient Treasure Unearthed: Remarkable 280-Million-Year-Old Fossils Found in Western Australia

A similarly well-preserved set of fossils found near Gascoyne Junction, Australia. Image credit: Crystal World
When the Midwest Times investigated the origins of the image, they found that it had been posted on the website of a US-based fossil dealer. The dealer claimed that the fossils were legally obtained and could be sold to interested buyers. This raised some questions about the legal status of fossil collection and trade in Australia, where laws regarding the collection and sale of fossils vary from state to state.

David Gear, a representative from the Western Australian Museum, clarified the legal status of fossil collection in Western Australia. According to Gear, it is legal to collect and export fossils under certain circumstances, but collectors must obtain the necessary permits and follow guidelines for responsible fossil collecting. Gear also emphasized the importance of leaving fossils in their natural environment whenever possible, as they provide important scientific data about the history of life on Earth.
