Animals Of The Stone Age: A List Of Stone Age Animals With Pictures & Facts

Marsupial Lion
Marsupial Lion
Image: Jose manuel canete, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons (cropped / resized by
Where found: Australia
Thylacoleo carnifex was a stone age marsupial that lived in Australia. It is the largest of three species of genus Thylacoleo, a group of animals known as the marsupial lions due to similarities in both their appearance and lifestyle to those of today’s lions.

Thylacoleo carnifex was a fearsome animal, the size of a jaguar, with strong fore limbs, retractable claws, and an immensely strong bite force.

A rock painting made by Aboriginal Australians features an animal that may be a marsupial lion with a striped coat and pointed ears. Another rock painting depicts a possible marsupial lion and a man holding a spear. These paintings provide evidence not only of what the marsupial lion looked like, but also that it and humans had a degree of interaction.