Astounding Facts About Primates that Never Cease to Amaze

13. Primates can use tools.
As humans, we use tools so constantly that we hardly even stop to think about what we are doing. Tools refer to more than the hammer, screwdriver, and wrenches that we tend to call “tools,” or even the power drills and chain saws that are labeled as “power tools.” Tools are anything we use to make our lives easier and can refer to walking canes, eyeglasses, even gadgets like computers and phones. Tools go so far back in our history as humans that you might say that one of the distinctive features of what makes us human is our use of tools.

The term “tool” can encompass almost anything in the animal kingdom, but primates seem to use tools more than any other animal type. They use sticks, stones, and leaves for a multitude of tasks like cleaning their ears or scraping their nails. Of course, using tools isn’t limited to primates; for example, birds have been observed using branches to pry insects from trees. Muriqui monkeys are often seen making bridges with their bodies to help their babies cross trees. Chimpanzees are the most intelligent of all primates, as they can imitate human gestures and even learn sign language.
