Amazing Nature
03 September 2022 ( 4044 views )

20 Birds with the Most Colorful Feathers

The nature has blessed birds with the most colorful and incredible plumage. Most beautiful colours of feathers in all different types of birds includes Hoopoe, Scarlet Macaw, Crowned Crane,Fairy Wren,Spangled Cotinga,Red-bearded Bee Eater,Blue crowned Pigeon,Bali Bird Of Paradise,Lilac breasted roller and Northern Cardinal.

Blue Jay

Nobody will penalize you if you ever consider blue jays as the most amazing and intelligent birds on earth. They are often seen in Central and East America. You can quickly identify them with the blue colored crest atop their head. They have a unique way of communicating among themselves, and they can grow as much as between 9 and 12 inches long.

Mandarin Duck

Mandarin Duck is a colorful bird and symbol of love and marriage,native to Japan. The mandarin bird is regarded as the world’s most beautiful duck.

Nicobar pigeon

This bird can be seen mostly around South-east Asia, as well as the Pacific. While the precise count of Nicobar pigeon is unknown, there are indications that they are reducing due to deforestation and other creatures like rats and cats. These birds have a close connection with the dodo birds. Nicobar pigeon has a rare coloration that puts them apart from others.


It is known as the sacred bird and for many, it is the most beautiful bird in the world, unfortunately, it is in danger of extinction. It has a beautiful green plumage that captivates anyone. It currently lives in Latin America and there are records of this bird for many years in fact the Mayans used its feathers to create their royal plumes.

Indian Pitta

Indian Pitta is medium-sized passerine bird native to the Indian subcontinent and a very colorful species with nine colors of plumage. The Indian Pitta is one of the most beautiful bird in India.

Scarlet Macaw
Scarlet Macaw is brightly colored bird and largest species of parrot, native to evergreen forest of South America. The scarlet macaws are long-tailed new world parrot and largest parrots in the world.

Gouldian Finch

Gouldian Finch is a colourful passerine bird found in Australia and an extremely attractive bird in the country. The Gouldian finch strikingly coloured bird species of all Australian bird.

Rainbow Bee Eater

Rainbow Bee Eater is a striking colourful bird and one of the most beautiful bird in the world. This very colourful member of bird found in forested areas of southern Australia.

Nicobar Pigeon

Nicobar Pigeon is one of the largest pigeon species with metallic green back and wings. The Nicobar Pigeon is one of the most beautiful bird in India as well as in the world.

Rainbow Lorikeet

Rainbow Lorikeet is Australian species of parrot found in rainforest and woodland of Queensland. The rainbow lorikeet has bright red,green,orange and colourful plumage.

Red Necked Tanager

Red Necked Tanager is one of the most beautiful bird species found in Argentina and Brazil. The Red-necked Tanager is the most colorful bird in South America.

Stork Billed Kingfisher

Stork Billed Kingfisher is a very large kingfisher species distributed in Indian subcontinent. The stork-billed kingfisher has fancy color of Red and Blue with white background.

Lilac Breasted Roller

Lilac Breasted Roller has breathtaking plumage and spectacular species of bird from roller family. The lilac-breasted roller distributed in woodland and savanna in Saharan Africa.

Bird of Paradise

Bird of Paradise bird species are found in dense rainforest of Papua New Guinea and Indonesia. The birds of paradise includes greater bird-of-paradise,King bird of paradise and Wilson’s bird of paradise.

The monal redstart

It is a bird of the Phasianidae family. It lives in the rhododendron and coniferous forests of the Himalayas, and is considered the national bird of Nepal.

The tocororo.

It is originally from Cuba. Its plumage is one of the most colorful. It is recognized as the national bird of Cuba.

Indian Peafowl
The peafowl is almost symbolic of the Indian nationality. This bird is one of the most beautiful birds Mother Nature has ever produced. Peafowls are gifted with long feathers. You need to catch a glimpse of this bird when it raises its entire feathers. It is such a fantastic sight to behold

Golden Pheasant
This bird species was thought to be in the Chinese mountains alone. But recent discoveries have shown that it is also in other parts of the world, including Europe and South American forests. Golden Pheasants seem to be most popular because of its vibrant color mix. The males grow much bigger than their female counterparts.

Northern Cardinal
The fancy red feathers of this bird species are one thing that has fascinated bird lovers. These birds are almost exclusive to places like North America, and they love to visit backyards that are close to their habitat. This medium-sized songbird has a red crest as well as a thick, short orange beak. The northern cardinal is most fortunate with its black as well as a gray face mask.

Horned Sungem
This brightly colored creature has been associated with the forests in South America. The feathers look remarkably the same as horns. This small looking bird has its feathers arranged in such a way that you will think they are horns. Nevertheless, these horn looking features are adorned in males mostly.

Gouldian Finch
This bird is equally known as the rainbow finch since it is blessed with a variety of colors. It has a close relationship with sparrows and birds in India. There have been sights of it in Austria and the western part of Australia.

Splendid fairy-wren
Their young males and females look similar in that they have a blue-tipped wing. The males develop a deep blue color whenever it is time for them to mate. Splendid fairy wren is fast and quite prompt, so you need to be alert before you can get a picture of them.

Blue bird-of-paradise
A lot of bird researchers and lovers believe that this bird is the most beautiful of all birds. The male has a bluish tail, white-ringed eye, and blue ivorybill. Its flank feathers are reddish-brown. The females are a bit different from the males in the way they look.

Bohemian Waxwing
The bohemian waxwing is medium-sized bird with a signature crested head and distinctive black mask. They’re mostly greyish brown with cinnamon-hued under-tail plumage and yellow-tipped tails. The red-colored feather edges beautify this passerine.

The bohemian is one of the three waxwing species that exists. The other two are the cedar waxwing and the Japanese waxwing. The bohemian is larger than the cedar, and more rare than either of the other two. And in our opinion, it is definitely the prettiest bird of the waxwing family.

Wood Duck
Wood ducks stand out as one of the prettiest water birds the world over. They’re mostly found along streams and swampy marshes all across the United States and Canada.

The male wood ducks are more stunning than their female counterparts. Males have a metallic green head and crest with tints of purple attractively sprinkled. Their necks are decorated with beautiful tapering white stripes.

Wood duck plumage is an intriguing mix of black and blue patterns and also plays the double role of attracting females when breeding. A white underbelly and a crimson-colored chest area complete the beauty of a male wood duck.

The female wood duck isn’t as stunning and features a brownish head with the belly being whitish. The chest area is splattered with white coloration.

The peacock is famous the world over for its outrageously tantalizing spread of tail feathers. It has long gained admiration among royalty and aristocracy, finding export to every corner of the world as well as its place as the national bird of India.

What makes the peacock particularly stunning is its famous plume train made up of one hundred and fifty splendidly colored feathers. Then there’s an array of cute “peacock eye spots” that are exhibited when these feathers are on a glorious display.

Peacocks are known for some of the most glamorous mating displays in the entire animal kingdom. The males court the females (peahens) in a romantic dance as he shakes his stunning feathers in a majestic show accompanied by a rustling noise. When the mating cycle ends, the male leaves having lost his ornamental feathers. But they grow back in a matter of months

Red-necked Tanager

Endangered in Eastern South America, the red-necked tanager has yellow-orange wings, a red chin, a deep blue head and neck, and a vivid green underside. These are some of the most beautiful birds out there.

Red Crested Turaco

Africa is home to the endangered Red-crested Turaco (Tauraco erythrolophus), also known as the Latin name Tauraco erythrolophus. They may be found in Sub-Saharan Africa’s savannas, woods, and forests.

Purple Gallinule

The Purple Gallinule is regarded as one of nature’s most stunning creatures due to its stunning array of colors on its feathers.

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