Blue-eyed Ground-Dove

 Estimated Population (Total Wild and In Captivity Numbers): fewer than 20
 Location: Cerrado Region of Brazil
 Current Conservation Status: Critically Endangered (CR)
 Scientific Name: Columbina cyanopis

The Blue-eyed Ground-Dove is yet another critically endangered and rare bird from Brazil. Until its rediscovery in 2015, researchers thought the Blue-eyed Ground-Dove had gone extinct as it had not been since 1941. Ornithologist Rafael Bessa heard a mysterious bird call, recorded it and played it back, which drew out a Blue-eyed Ground-Dove. So far, three-distinct groups of Blue-eyed Ground-Doves in a relatively small area have been observed.
Blue-eyed Ground-Doves like to live near the native grass species Lagenocarpus rigidus, which, when mature, produces many seeds that the birds eat.

The blue-eyed ground dove is 15.5 cm (6.1 in) long. The male's head, neck, wing coverts, uppertail coverts, and breast are purplish red.