Summer is the perfect season to photograph colorful birds.

Baltimore & Orchard Orioles
Baltimore Oriole male on ground © Kimberly King
Orioles are colorful, vocal members of the blackbird family. In Massachusetts they are represented by two species—the Baltimore Oriole and the Orchard Oriole.

The bold patterning of black and yellow-orange sported by male Baltimore Orioles reminded early observers of the black and gold heraldry of Lord Baltimore—hence the species' common name.

These vibrant birds may visit a backyard or park near you during the warmer months of the year.

Orchard Oriole male © Amy Powers-Smith
Baltimore Orioles are slightly smaller than American Robins—just under 9" from bill to tail tip. Males have black heads, backs, and wings but show the characteristic bright orange below (and on) their tails.

Females and young Baltimore Orioles are typically quite a bit more drab about their head. They may show pale orange, yellow, or even simply tan below. Both sexes have strong white wing-bars on dark wings, as well as the sharp, pointed bills typical of the blackbird family.

The less-common Orchard Oriole is smaller than its more famous cousin. Instead of bright orange, male Orchard Orioles are highlighted with a deep brownish-red.

Baltimore Oriole male eating oranges at feeder © Bonnie Bowes
Baltimore Orioles love fruit, and can sometimes be enticed to visit backyard feeders by fresh fruit or berries.

They build unique hanging nests in mature trees near parks, yards, farm fields, or other open areas—you will seldom encounter a Baltimore Oriole in the depths of the forest.

Orchard Orioles favor young woods (or orchards!) at the forest's edge, and are less commonly encountered in yards or parks.

The song of the male Baltimore Oriole is a loud caroling, somewhat reminiscent of robin's song but with harsh call notes interspersed throughout.

Like most blackbirds, orioles in our area usually fly south for the winter, but a few birds may survive the winter in Massachusetts when the weather is not too severe and fruit is available.