Photographer Captures Attractive Bokeh Portraits Of Snails

Who knew that snails were so photogenic? Poland-based photographer Katarzyna Załużna captures the mystical beauty of these tiny shelled creatures in enchanting images that bring the viewer into their world. Using an exquisite bokeh effect, she lends an otherworldly charm to these intimate dreamlike scenes with an artistry that is quite remarkable.

Though snails might not be the most common subject you'd expect to find in fine art photography, there is a quality about them that continually draws her back to the unassuming creatures. “They are graceful and communicative, establishing contact with humans in their primitive way,” Załużna tells My Modern Met. “This is what delights me most in them.”

Although snails aren’t the quickest of critters, it still takes a lot of skill to capture these spellbinding moments that encapsulate both the whimsy and majesty of nature. Getting the perfect shot requires patience and an eye to see the beauty in what others might consider mundane.

“You can create beautiful compositions, but it takes a lot of patience and sensitivity to light and to detail,” Załużna explains. “Capturing the right moment is the foundation for a magical photo. I look for a long time before I start photographing. Often the snail in nature is in an unattractive place (on the ground, an ugly stick), but then I move it to another lovely plant. It takes a lot of work to get a beautiful shot. It's not like I go outside, snap a picture and it's done. That would be too easy. The effect would not be stunning. I like to show nature in a poetic way.”

Scroll down for more of Załużna’s bewitching photographs of snails. And to keep up to date with her stunning photography, you can follow the photographer on Facebook or Instagram.
