The hairy frogfish is a type of fish that's covered in spines.

A fish swishes through the water just above a cluster of coral on the seafloor. Suddenly a hairy-looking, bloblike creature emerges from the coral, snags the fish in its mouth, and devours the snack. The bizarre being isn’t a mythical sea monster—it’s a hairy frogfish. And its appearance isn’t its only odd trait.
It is clear that there is no shortage on weird critters in the ocean. Most of these happily bumble along the sea floor without attracting undue diver attention besides maybe the occasional researcher. But then there are those critters that stand out and are absolute favourites with divers and photographers. These superstars are on the wish-list of any diver who’s ever seen pictures of them. One of these absolute superstar critters, is the Hairy Frogfish.
