“Jaw-Dropping Photo” Of Giant Whale Shark With 50+ Fish In Its Mouth Wins Underwater Photo Contest

2nd Place, Behavior

Jerry Arriaga

Behind the Shot: We were diving in the brilliant muck of Ambon Bay. I was swimming under the fishing boats at Laha, one of my favorite dive sites in the area. Out of the corner of my eye I saw the lizardfish suddenly dart off its rock perch. It was really fast, like a torpedo! I quickly swam closer to find the lizardfish with a damselfish in its mouth. I managed to capture this image just before the lizardfish swam off with its tasty meal.

Camera Gear: EAR Canon EOS 5D Mark III in a Sea&Sea housing; Canon 100mm f/2.8L lens; Inon Z-240 strobes
Settings: f/11; 1/125; ISO 160
Prize: Cressi T10-SC Cromo/Galaxy regulator