Meet Temminck’s tragopan

A rather rotund but exquisitely colored bird, covered in flame orange, flecked with white dots.

The Temminck’s tragopan (Tragopan temminckii) is a medium-sized, up to 64cm long, stocky red pheasant with white-spotted plumage, black bill, and pink legs. The Temminck’s Tragopan cock is an extremely bright-colored bird, mostly a rich shade of orange smothered with whitish ocelli. He has a gorgeous blue face surrounded by black. Like all the Tragopans he has an amazing display and is able to inflate a pair of “horns” from his crown and a bib from the throat.
The “bib” or lappet is particularly vivid with red and blue markings.
The female is a white-spotted brown bird with blue circular eye skin.