Photographer Captures Rare Fish That Walks on its Hands

Passionate Underwater Photographer
“I think from the outside underwater photography is perceived as a niche, but we actually have many smaller niches in the liquid world!” Says Remy.

“Macro, super macro, wide-angle, close-focus wide-angle, portraits, behavior, wrecks, models…I find all these interesting, and shoot and teach all these genres of underwater photography.”

Spotted handfish

Remy has been shooting underwater since 2008 and in 2021 he decided to leave his corporate IT job to dedicate himself full-time to photography.

He launched The Underwater Club, an online underwater photography school with lots of tutorials.

“It’s also an online photo club, with private forums where we offer constructive photo critique and monthly get-together events,” says Remy.

“I also do private coaching and occasionally lead workshops, but my main focus is being available for our club members.”