25 most spectacular and beautiful Beetle Species

6. Green tiger beetle (Cicindela campestris)
Green tiger beetle on rough, bare ground
The green tiger beetle is a shiny green colour with creamy-yellow spots and bronze-purple legs. Adults are 10-15mm long. © Lairich Rig (CC BY-SA 2.0) via geograph
The green tiger beetle is one of the fastest running insects in the UK. Some tiger beetles are known to reach speeds of nine kilometres per hour.

The 'tiger' in this beetle's name refers to its powerful jaws or mandibles, which it uses to catch small invertebrates. The larvae have them too, clamping them shut on any passing prey that strays too close to their burrow.

Common throughout Britain and Ireland, green tiger beetles prefer areas of sparse vegetation, living in heathland, grassland, brownfield sites and dunes.