The Comedy Wildlife Photography

It’s that wonderful time of the year again, dear Pandas! It’s a brand new season and the Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards have announced their finalists! The photos are fantastic and—in my personal opinion—possibly the best so far in the competition’s 7-year history. We hope they’ll make you laugh as much as they made us.

#1 Time For School
Time For School
"A smooth-coated otter "bit" its baby otter to bring it back to and fro for swimming lesson"Michelle told Bored Panda that it's difficult to give advice to anyone gearing up to participate in next year's competition. "The uniqueness of Comedy Wildlife compared to other photography competitions is the comedy aspect which can be a split-second decision to push the button at the right time," she said. "We would probably say it’s a good idea to take your camera or camera phone with you whenever you are out and about, just in case that special moment arises," she suggested always being ready to capture some amazing shots.

"And you have to be patient, very, very patient. Wildlife photography involves a lot of waiting around, Comedy Wildlife photography even more!! But the competition is free and so it is always worth entering your photo or video. By getting involved with the competition, even buying a print or calendar, you are directly helping us support our conservation charity and highlight our message, which is at the heart of the Awards."
