The Incredible Monasteries of Meteora, Greece

There are 6 Meteora monasteries perched on the huge cliffs people can visit today. A visit to Meteora monasteries offers a unique perspective of nature’s grandeur in conjunction with history, architecture, and man’s everlasting desire to connect with the Divine. Meteora today is the largest archaeological site of Greece in terms of the area that it covers. It is also a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1989 and an official holy place for Greece since 1995.

The Monastery of Great Meteoron
The Holy Monastery of Great Meteoron, located at Meteora-Greece, is the biggest and oldest one of all. It was called the monastery which remains “suspended in the air” (meteoro), because of the cliff formation of a gigantic rock on top of which it was built. The Great Meteoro Monastery or “Megalo Meteoron” was founded in the 14th century by Saint Athanasios the Meteorite.