This Scorpion Found in a Mine Has Turned Into Copper And Here’s How That’s Possible

This Scorpion Found in a Mine Has Turned Into Copper And Here’s How That’s Possible

A Scorpion found in an unidentified mine in Southern Arizona has turned into copper over time. Or was the process quicker? Let’s find out.

A scorpion turned into copper. Image credit: Bill Yedowitz
This incredible copper scorpion was on display at the 2019 Tucson Gem And Mineral Show and a photo was published on the AZ MMNRE Museum Twitter page.

But how can a scorpion turn into copper?

According to Tulane University, the phenomenon is known as encrustation pseudomorphism and happens as follows: “…a thin crust of a new mineral forms on the surface of a preexisting mineral, then the preexisting mineral is removed, leaving the crust behind, we say that pseudomorphism has resulted from encrustation. In this case the thin crust of the new mineral will have casts of the form of the original mineral.”
