Ugly Birds: 22 UGLIEST Birds in the World

While there are some incredibly beautiful birds in the wild, this article will discuss the not-so-pretty side of nature: ugly birds.

But by ugly birds, I mean really the ugliest birds alive! I know beauty is relative, but chances are you will agree with me once you have seen their photos.

These birds are ugly, for real! In fact, you might even consider them cute if you stare at their picture for long enough. Don’t believe me? Check it out then!

22. Kiwi
kiwi bird stretching
Native to New Zealand, kiwis (Apteryx rowi) are shy flightless birds with strong and muscular legs. These birds are tail-less and have grayish-brown hair-like feathers on their bodies, thus giving them an ugly appearance.

They are nocturnal birds who spend most of the day sleeping in burrows dug on the ground. They come out for foraging at night, feeding on a variety of berries, insects, and larvae.

Unlike other birds, kiwi chicks are fully feathered on hatching and can forage independently. Their lifespan usually varies between 25 to 50 years on average