64 Rare Historical Photos

Interesting photo of David Bowie, 1975.
Source: Reddit
When I think of David Bowie and 1975, what comes to mind is massive amounts of cocaine. This was around the time of the Young Americans album. On the Grammy Awards that year, after being introduced by Andy Williams, Bowie gave a long, rambling speech - which he later attributed to his coke vice at the time.

In 1976, Bowie lived in Berlin with roommate, Iggy Pop - which also sounds like a formula for trouble. One crazed night, Iggy sat in the passenger seat as Bowie spent five minutes ramming into their dealer’s car again and again and again.

This shot of Bowie was taken by photographer Steve Schapiro - which was during a 12-hour straight photo session. An image from this photo session was later used on the back cover of Bowie's album, Station to Station.