13.Blue Passion Flower
Blue Beauty Alert!
The Passiflora caerulea or blue passion flower is said to have been first discovered in Peru, where it was then formally presented to Pope Paul V by the Spanish Jesuits.
If you’re looking for symbolism, the blue passion flower is officially up to bat.
16th-century scholar Giacomo Bosio described the passion flower as “La Flor de las cinco Llagas,” meaning the flower with the five wounds. Many believe that this unique bloom was used as a symbolic teaching tool in the quest to convert the native Indians of Peru to Christianity. Let’s break it down just a bit:
5 petals and 5 sepals = 10 faithful apostles (minus Judas and Peter)
Tips of the leaves = The point of the centurion’s spear
Central flower column = The pillar of the scourging
It’s tendrils = The whips used in the flagellation