100 Photos Of Liminal Spaces That Make Us Feel Deeply Uneasy

#3 Hell
Bored Panda asked Dominic why certain photos can make us feel uneasy or even scared. In his opinion, how we feel about an image depends a lot on who we are as individuals and how we view the world.

“Anything visual is going to evoke a feeling. What that feeling is, depends on the viewer. They could remind us of something from our past or inspire us to something we have yet to achieve. I think it all connects back to our subconscious thoughts and experiences we’ve had as individuals,” he said.

Photographer Dominic pointed out that there isn’t a single, clear-cut way to use lighting and other photography techniques to create the feeling of uneasiness in a scene. You have to take each case and evaluate it individually. In other words, experimentation and adaptability are key.

“It would really come down to the specific scene and photo,” he told Bored Panda. “I don’t think there is a one size fits all answer for that.”