11 Amazing Photos That Show How Fascinating Nature Is

Nature, which is an essential part of humanity is one of man’s greatest blessings. However, people do not recognize it today. Many poets, writers, artists and many more were inspired by nature. This outstanding creation inspired them to write in his glory poems and stories. They really appreciated nature which is reflected even today in their work.

Basically, nature is all about us, like the water we drink, the air that we breathe, the sun in which we swim, the birds that we hear chirping, the Moon that we are looking at and more. It is above all rich, vibrant and consists of living things as well as things that are inanimate. Thus, modern people should also learn from people of the past and begin to evaluate nature before it’s too late.

Here is a collection of pictures we found to show you how fascinating nature is.

#01. The Neskowin Ghost Forest is a sight to see. This Is located in Oregon’s Tillamook coast in USA. It looks as if ghosts are emerging from the water. It is said that these stumps were hidden under the sand for centuries.
