12 Elusively Blue Animals: The Rarest Creatures of All

Mandarin Dragonet
A blue and orange mandarin dragonet swimming past coral underwater
fenkieandreas / Getty Images

The mandarin dragonet (Synchiropus splendidus) is a brightly-colored fish from the Pacific Ocean that is one of only two vertebrates whose blue coloration is a result of cellular pigment rather than structural coloration. The only other vertebrate with blue cellular pigment is the picturesque dragonet (Synchiropus picturatus) from the same genus. The mandarin dragonet's skin contains cells known as cyanophores that contain organelles called cyanosomes that produce blue pigments. The cyanophores are not the only pigment-producing cells in the fish's skin, however, which explains the orange stripes that decorate their bodies. Due to their bright, colorful patterns, mandarin dragonets are popular fish for aquariums.