15 Genius Beauty Hacks That are Useful for Every Girl

Cucumber and banana remedy to reduce dark circles.
Cucumber juice is packed with health and healing benefits. It's very cooling and soothing in nature and can cure puffy eyes on its own. Just dab a cotton ball in cucumber juice, rub it on your puffy eyes for 10 minutes and the puffiness will be visibly less. You can also use cucumber slice on their own and place them on your eyes to reduce dark circles.

The banana peel is also very beneficial in removing dark circles. Bananas contain Vitamin C, a natural skin lightener, and using bananas or their peel can really help with reduced under eye circles.

But combine the two and you've got a powerful potion to really combat these stubborn marks. All you've got to do is grate a cucumber collect its juice. Peel off the banana and scrap the inside of the peel. Collect what you get and mix it with the appropriate amount of cucumber juice to get a mushy sort of liquid. You can apply it on your eyes directly, or freeze it and use as cubes to rub on every morning.