Amazing Nature
21 March 2024 ( 163 views )

They are estimated to be about 280 million years old (Gascoyne Junction, Australia).

Jimbacrinus crinoid fossils from Western Australia. They are estimated to be about 280 million years old (Gascoyne Junction, Australia).

Specimen owned by Tom Kapitany at Crystal world

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An image has been circulating widely on social media claiming to be a set of fossils of a marine creature that lived 280 million years ago, and found near Gascoyne Junction.

They are Jimbacrinus crinoids, or sea lilies, and they appeared to be in remarkably good condition when the Midwest Times investigated.

We traced the image back to the website of a US fossil dealer that states it only deals in fossil material that is legally collected and can be legally sold.

WA Museum representative David Gear said it was legal to export fossils in some instances.

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