31 Unbelievable Examples of Epic Animal Camouflage

Hey, Animal Comedy-ers, we have a question for you: If you could have one superpower, what would it be? For us, it would be the power to turn invisible. Imagine how much mischief you could cause! Imagine all the cheese sandwiches you could steal (okay, maybe that's something our doggos would like more than us), or how many concerts you could see for free without having to pay. Hoomans may not have been born with the ability to camouflage themselves, but other animals certainly were. 

We're not talking about something that's a little hard to see, we're talking about animals almost completely blending in with their surroundings due to their uniquely interesting characteristics. We challenge you to find every animal in the photos below (don't worry, we added a bit of help for the really hard ones), and if you can't, you owe us a cheese sandwich. Deal?

Okay, the octopus is quite visible, but its ability to change its skin texture and colors to something so outrageous is absolutely epic! If you were a predator, you wouldn't see them unless you were looking right at them.
