Amazing Nature
09 April 2024 ( 131 views )

32 Photos Of Nature Winning The Battle Against Civilization (New Pics)

We can think that we’re leaving our mark on the Earth as much as we want, but it’s only temporary. With time, Mother Nature reclaims its lost territories and there’s not much we can do about it. Has compiled a list of photos of abandoned cars, buildings, and even entire towns that are losing their battles against disappearing into their natural surroundings, and you don’t have to be an urban explorer to be moved by them. “By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you will return.”

#1 Trees Sprouted On Top Of Abandoned Chimneys

#2 Abandoned House, Norway Style

#3 The Desert Reclaiming Territories In Namibia. Now A Ghost Town, Kolmanskop Was Once An Oasis Where Miners Lived

#4 An Abandoned Church In France

#5 Abandoned Bike Reclaimed By Ivy

#6 I Saw A Tree Eating A Stop Sign

#7 Amazing Abandoned 13th Century Château Located In France

In 1932 a fire broke out and caused devastating damage to the building and its contents. It has since been left to the elements.

#8 A Barn Claimed By Kudzu In Tennessee

#9 Statue Of Buddha Being Reclaimed By Mangrove Forest

#10 Colony Of Moss Growing Inside A Bike Seat

#11 This Tree I Found Growing In An Old Silo

#12 Abandoned Car In Beijing

#13 Abandoned Asylum In Italy That Has Been Touched By Bob Ross

#14 Mother Nature Is Calling. Somewhere In China

#15 Destined To Be Green. Abandoned Escalator

#16 Abandoned Apartment Building Being Claimed By The Sea In The Former Fishing Village Of Kirovsky, Russia

#17 Mushrooms Growing Through The Floor!

#18 This Tree Grew Over A Grave Stone And Took The Cross With It

#19 Found A Shoe In The Woods

#20 Earth Slowly Reclaiming An Abandoned Boat – SS City Of Adelaide, Wrecked Off The Coast Of Magnetic Island, Australia

#21 Scola Tower, Liguria, Italy

#22 Abandoned Office Found With Lots Of Moss And Mold

#23 Nature Winning The Battle Against Civilization In The Exclusion Zone Around Chernobyl

#24 This Building Was Completely Overgrown By Ivy

#25 These Plants Growing Out Of Someone’s Car

#26 Abandoned City Akarmara, Abkhazia

#27 Lost Road In WA

#28 Just A Little Moss, It Will Buff Out

#29 Shrine In Japan

#30 Abandoned Stone Cottage. Sneem/Kenmare, Ireland

#31 Cactus In A Rain Gutter

#32 Abandoned Railway Bridge In Czech Republic

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