Amazing Nature
24 November 2023 ( 267 views )

35 Times This Instagram Account Shared Interesting Shots Of Celebs And People In The 70s Era

There’s no denying that when you dive into the nostalgia of the ’70s, it’s the era’s vibrant and kaleidoscopic culture that immediately springs to mind. From the fashion that dared to be different to the music that still makes us groove, and the movies that transported us to far-out worlds, the ’70s was a time of unapologetic boldness and vivacity.

#1 New York City, 1978. Photo By Helen Levitt

Image source: the70z

#2 Girl On A Beach In Oahu, Hawaii, 1973. Photo By Nick Dewolf

Image source: the70z

RIRI : “she has body hair and she’s proud!”

Lizz : “Ah, the freedom from razors !”

Wild weather weekend : “I really don’t understand how some people consider this unhygienic when men walk around with the same.”

#3 Hippie Dad Walking With His Daughter, Amsterdam, 1967. Photo By Toni Riera

Image source: the70z

80 Van : “I wonder who his daughter, Amsterdam, grew up to be.”

Skye : “Ah, she looks like quite the confident tot! I’d love to see her today!”

#4 Jonathan Frid Crowns Christine Domaniecki “Miss American Vampire” (1970)

Image source: the70z

Ray Ceeya (RayCeeYa) : “This could happen now. We Goths aren’t dead. We are undead. We already outlasted many subcultures, wit will un-live on to bury more.”

#5 A Steward Slices Meat For Passengers On Sas Scandinavian Airlines, 1969

Image source: the70z

XenoMurph : “Sharp knives and turbulence, what could go wrong”

#6 Tim Curry, 1974 By Joe Gaffney

Image source: the70z

Corinne : “Fantastic performer.”

#7 Lynda Carter Pre-Wonder Woman In The 7os

Image source: the70z

Michael P (Perthaussieguy) : “She was a wonder woman before she was ‘Wonder Woman”‘

#8 Al Pacino

Image source: the70z

KitKat : “Say hello to my little friend…”

iseefractals : “He looked so normal when he was young, i mean you can see the crazy in the eyes if you’re looking for it….but ffs, he just continues to go all in presenting himself as someone that just escaped…from someplace concerning.”

#9 Two Brothers At Their Joint Wedding. 1970’s

Image source: the70z

Angi : “Hehe joint”

#10 Madonna Photographed By Her Boyfriend Dan Gilroy On The Bus In New York, 1979

Image source: the70z

Phoebe Bean : “Nobody: ____ Me: “Frozen”, “The Power of Goodbye”, “Live to Tell” and “You’ll see” are my favorite Madonna songs.”

#11 Ruth Gordon Schnapp, California’s First Woman Structural Engineer, 1970s

Image source: the70z

Ray Ceeya (RayCeeYa) : “AWESOME!”

Jill Rhodry : “And 50 odd years later a whole 13.6% of structural engineers in the US are women.”

#12 Gary Anderson, The Guy Who, At Age 23, Designed The Recycling Logo For A Contest, 1970

Image source: the70z

Oerff On Tour : ” And still a lot of people don’t know what the logo means (or they simply ignore it)”

#13 San Francisco’s Lombard Street In 1975

Image source: the70z

Oerff On Tour : “Does anyone realize that the Ford Pinto is trying to go up?”

#14 Grace Jones, The Palace, Paris, 1978

Image source: the70z

KiwiTriviaKween (She/Her) : “An absolute icon of a woman!”

#15 Margaux Hemingway Photographed By David Hume Kennedy In Havana, Cuba (1978)

Image source: the70z

Kookamunga : “Died by suicide in 1996. RIP.”

#16 41 29th Street, San Francisco, 1978

Image source: the70z

Living Example : “I really like it. So many American neighborhoods are completely bland. There should be more color and imagination and even playfulness.”

Bouche and Audi and Shyla, Oh My! : “It makes me think of orange juice in the morning.”

#17 A Woman Photographed In 1973

Image source: the70z

BoredPossum : “Proud and wonderful.”

Paul Brown : “Thats a bold statement wearing that shirt back then! Good for her!”

#18 Dolly Parton

Image source: the70z

Kookamunga :  “It costs a lot of money to look this cheap!” – Dolly Parton

#19 At Home With Harrison Ford, 1978

Image source: the70z

Pernille. : “Ok, time to rewatch Indiana Jones.”

#20 Joan Jett Without Her Signature Black Eyeliner

Image source: the70z

KiwiTriviaKween (She/Her) : “I still love ❤️ her cover of “Crimson and Clover.””

#21 Cher

Image source: the70z

Zorena Deckard : “Before the first plastic surgery when she was truly beautiful.”

SueG : “I see a resemblance to Celine Dion here.”

sbj : “How do you keep you head up wearing those earrings”

#22 Women In Afghanistan During The 70s. Before Taliban. Heartbroken For All Woman, Men And Children Going Through Pain Now In

Image source: the70z

Blue Bunny of Happiness : “The caption says it all.”


#23 André The Giant, Using Dwayne Johnson’s Grandfather (Weighing 315lb), High Chief Peter Maivia As A Booster Seat. 1970s

Image source: the70z

MellonCollie : “Dwayne really looks like his grandpa!”

#24 Harrison Ford In A Kitchen In The Late 70s

Image source: the70z

Phoebe Bean : “Harrison Ford was causing global warming decades ago.. because he was HOT, v.e.r.y HOT”

Michael Largey : “When he didn’t get work acting in this period, he was a professional carpenter.”

#25 That Moment When You Realize Your Parents Were Cooler Than You. “My Parents In Front Of A Store In Paris, 1972”

Image source: the70z

Mylittlecorgi : “Those boots, though!”

#26 Helen Mirren, 1969

Image source: the70z

Phoebe Bean : “Ms Mirren is still a beautiful lady and a magnificent actress. She is not afraid of aging.”

CwtchyMama : “Wow Helen was smokin hot”

Duckie Measles : “Jennifer Lawrence sort of looks like her.”

#27 14-Year-Old Melanie Griffith, At Home With Her Pet Lion, Neil,1971

Image source: the70z

#28 A Very Chill Looking Dude Getting Caught Growing Weed In His Garden, L.a., 1973

Image source: the70z

#29 Elton John At Home With His Shoe Collection. Photo By Terry O’neill, 1975

Image source: the70z

#30 ‘how To Survive A Disco Attack’ – 1977

Image source: the70z

#31 Dolly Parton Performs In Detroit, Michigan In September Of 1977

Image source: the70z

#32 Kate Bush, London, March 1978

Image source: the70z

#33 Robert De Niro On The Set Of Taxi Driver, 1976

Image source: the70z

#34 Sizzling In The Kitchen: Abba’s Agnetha Fältskog, 1974

Image source: the70z

#35 George Harrison & Stevie Nicks , 1978

Image source: the70z

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