Amazing Nature
15 February 2024 ( 62 views )

400-Megapixel Photo of the Sun Made From 100,000 Photos

Astrophotographer Andrew McCarthy has outdone himself with his 400-megapixel image of the Sun. Comprised of over 100,000 individual photos, it's McCarthy's highest-resolution photo of this celestial body.

It only took McCarthy 30 minutes to capture the individual shots after shooting 80 frames per second.  From there, it was all about processing the frames to put together the 40-panel mosaic that makes up the final shot.

While McCarthy has created several high-resolution images of the Sun, many of which we've covered, he's always trying to push the limits of his creativity. And in doing so, he gives us an unparalleled view of the star that warms our planet. From solar flares that leap from its edges to the black sunspots that dot the surface, the photo allows the public a rich view of what makes the Sun so incredible.

“I find these high-resolution photos of celestial bodies are great for capturing the imagination of people who wouldn’t ordinarily think to look at them, and inspiring more people to look up is my mission in life,” shared the photographer.

See more details from the image titled The Star of System Sol below. To get access to the full resolution and support McCarthy's work, join him on Patreon.

Astrophotographer Andrew McCarthy has released his highest-resolution photo of the Sun.

400 Megapixel Photo of the Sun by Andrew McCarthy

Made up of over 100,000 individual images, it gives an unparalleled look at the Sun's surface.

Detail of the Sun by Andrew MccArthy

Detail of the Surface of the Sun by Andrew MccArthy

Detail of the Surface of the Sun by Andrew MccArthy

Andrew McCarthy: Website | Instagram | Patreon | TikTok | YouTube

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