5 Fantastic Facts About the Van Cat

The Van Cat is one of the most beloved cultural symbols for Armenians. Not only is it mesmerizing to look at, it's also interpreted as a link back to their indigenous homeland in the what is now known as Eastern Turkey.

One of the oldest felines around, the Van Cat is named after the region it most commonly inhabits - Lake Van in the historical Armenian highlands. The lake was the center of several Armenian kingdoms dating back to around the 6th century. Akhtamar Island in Lake Van, houses a 10th century Armenian church called the Cathedral of the Holy Cross.
1. It's Known as the "Swimming" Cat
Legend has it that the Van Cat was on board Noah's Ark when it came to rest on Mt. Ararat and left the ark to swim in the receding flood waters. Though it makes for a nice story, the Van Cat's habit of taking a dip in water while most cats run the other way at the sight of it, is more likely a sign of it adapting to its environment near Lake Van, the largest lake in the country.