Amazing Nature
08 May 2022 ( 830 views )

A 17-Year Old Russian Powerlifter With a Doll-like Face (11 pics)

Dream or nightmare – you decide. 17-year-old Russian girl Yulia Viktorovna Vins, or Julia Vins, has the perfect face of a doll and the body of someone who could probably beat the snot out of you.

A 17-Year Old Russian Powerlifter With a Doll-like Face (11 pics)

According to an interview she held, the beautiful girl never even intended to become professional powerlifting athlete when she first began working out – she was simply looking for strength and self-confidence.

“There will always be people who respect my choice or simply adequately explain why they don’t agree with it, but there is nothing to be gained by trying to defame someone who is following their dream.” I, for one, am happy to give her my respect and, should she ever happen to ask me for it, my lunch money.

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