Ancient Treasure Unearthed: Remarkable 280-Million-Year-Old Fossils Found in Western Australia

Signs near Gasocyne Junction in the Australian Outback, where the fossils were found. Image credit: Calistemon
The fossil deposit near Gasocyne Junction provides a glimpse into the extinction events of the Permian Period, at the end of which the “Great Dying” occurred. This was the largest and most severe of the five known mass extinction events throughout recorded geological time, causing more than 90% of all marine species to vanish from the fossil record. The rising global temperatures led to warmer and more acidic waters, increased methane and metal levels, and a severe drop in oxygen levels in waters made it difficult for marine animals to survive. Still, a small proportion of crinoids managed to survive the extinction event, and over 600 species exist today.

FUN FACT: Crinoid fossils were the inspiration for the Sentinels in the Matrix Movies. Although the Sentinels initially had several functions, they eventually evolved into robotic killing machines that scoured the underground metropolis in search of humans and Zion ships, serving the Matrix’s agenda.
