Black Bear Caught Taking a Nap Inside Giant Bald Eagle Nest in Alaska..

Researchers surveying eagle nests discovered a black bear (Ursus americanus) sleeping in one of them. Image credit: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Cayley Elsik, JBER Environmental Conservation)
Lewis thinks that the egg was either infertile or damaged by predators or weather, and that the eagles gave up on it sometime in the spring. He said that he did not see any signs of predation or disturbance on the nest when he saw the bear in July.

So why did the bear choose to sleep in an eagle’s nest? Lewis said that it could have been a matter of convenience or curiosity. Black bears usually make their own beds on steep slopes where they are less likely to be disturbed by other animals. But sometimes they may explore other options, such as hollow trees, caves, or even human structures.

“This nest isn’t that far off from such a bear bed. It could have just happened to climb the tree and decided to take a nap,” Lewis said.

Bald eagles are known for building massive nests that can measure up to 8 feet (2.4 meters) across and weigh more than two tons (1.8 metric tons). They use sticks, branches, moss, grass, and other materials to construct their nests, which they often reuse and enlarge year after year. They usually build their nests on tall trees near water sources, where they can hunt for fish and other prey.
