Could Ancient Peruvians Really Know How To Melt Stone Blocks..

In Spain, an artist may create works of art that look to have been created by softening stone and producing a beautiful piece from it. They look to be entirely incomprehensible. I was ready to use “mind-blowing,” but I refrained.

Jong, Jordan, and Gamarra conclude that “some form of high tech gadget was used to melt stone blocks, which were then put and allowed to cool next to hard, jigsaw-polygonal blocks already in situ” based on this discovery. The new stone would be fastened against these stones with near-perfect accuracy. Still, it would be a distinct block of granite surrounded by other unions and “melted” into their interlocking locations in the wall.”

“In this scenario,” David Hatcher Childress wrote in his book ancient technology in Peru and Bolivia, “power saws and drills would still cut and shape the stones as the walls were erected.”

According to Jong and Jordan, various ancient cultures worldwide we’re familiar with high-tech stone melting technology. “The stones on some of Cuzco’s historic alleys have been vitrified at a high temperature to give them their unique glassy quality,” they add.

“The temperatures must approach 1,100 degrees Celsius,” Jordon, de Jong, and Gamarra write, “and other ancient sites surrounding Cuzco, particularly Sacsayhuaman and Qenko, have displayed indicators of vitrification.” There’s also proof that the ancient Peruvians had access to a plant whose secretions softened rock, allowing it to be shaped into tight-fitting masonry.

In his book Exploration Fawcett, Colonel Fawcett wrote that he had heard the stones were glued together using a solvent that softened the rock to a clay-like consistency. Colonel Fawcett reported how he discovered that the stones were kept together by a liquid that softened the stone to a clay-like consistency.