Creatonotos gangis is a species of arctiine moth in South East Asia and Australia.

Adults have white hindwings and brown forewings, each with a dark streak, and a wingspan of 4 cm. The abdomen is red or, more rarely, yellow. Males have four large eversible coremata (scent organs), which can exceed the length of the abdomen when inflated.

The eggs are yellow and round, and are laid in rows on the leaves of food plants. The caterpillars are brown hairy animals with a yellow stripe along the back, with a polyphagous diet, known as a minor pest which feeds on groundnuts, rice, ragi, sorghum, Pennisetum americanum, coffee, sweet potato, and lucerne crops.

Antennae minutely ciliated in both sexes. Head, thorax and fore wing pale pinkish ochreous. Palpi and legs smoky black, the femora yellow; a broad dorsal band on thorax; abdomen crimson above, with dorsal and lateral series of black spots.