Enormous ‘Alien-Like’ Wasp Nest, Equivalent to a ’70-Inch TV,’ Found by Homeowner in Bathroom.

European wasps are known to be a destructive and invasive pest in Australia but are a protected species in the northern hemisphere

Then they make the outer layer seen in the shocking footage using a mixture of saliva and wooden fibres.

The insects create holes for exit and entry points and for ventilation.

The post of the critters inside the home went viral on social media with some fascinated by the nest construction.

‘Not a fan of wasps but I admire their nest engineering. This is a work of art,’ a commenter said.

‘It truly is amazing,’ said another, while the post led another to ask, ‘What if bro needs the toilet?’

But others were freaked out by the mammoth nest comparing it to a ‘Resident evil 7 house’.

‘Is that the wasp equivalent to the Roman Empire?’ another online user asked about the nest.
