The 30 Most Beautiful Insects in the World


Dragonflies come in a multitude of vivid colors that shimmer as they take flight.

As ladybugs are efficient terrestrial predators, dragonflies are predators of the air. They can be easily identified by their long, spindle-like abdomens, huge eyes, and their agility while in flight, powered by huge transparent wings that they hold out horizontally when they’re at rest. Dragonflies are also among the prettiest insects. Among the most beautiful are:

Twelve-spotted skimmer. This dragonfly gets its name from the 12 spots on its wings. There are three on each forewing and three on each hindwing. Its beauty is due to its body, which appears to be made of polished gold. This dragonfly is found in North America.
Scarlet Dwarf. The body of this small, exotic Asian dragonfly is a rich scarlet. The color is found on its thorax, its abdomen, and even its eyes. The wings have an orange flush close to where they attach to the body.
Sapphire Flutterer. This is also a small dragonfly that’s found in South Asia and Australia. Its long abdomen is cobalt blue, and its wings are glimmering purple.
Crimson Glider. This beautiful insect from Asia has a Day-Glo magenta abdomen and the veins in its wings are scarlet. Males can be told from females because their heads are reddish-brown. The female’s head is brown and there are black and brown stripes on the thorax.
Phantom Flutterer. Depending on the light, this dragonfly found in Africa can be iridescent shades of blue, violet red, or purple, or sometimes all those colors at the same time. The hindwings have a large patch of glittering purple where they join the body.
Damselflies are closely related to dragonflies except they fold their wings when they rest. They’re also smaller and thinner. One of the most beautiful is the large red damselfly found in Europe and North Africa. The abdomen of the male is scarlet and ringed with black and bronze. There are three color types of females, and they can be black or red with yellow bands on the abdomen.