112 Pregnant Women Whose Day Is Going Worse Than Yours Is (New Pics)

Childbirth is one of the most natural occurrences on Earth. Every single one of us has been a part of it, at least from one perspective. Yet pregnancy can still be an incredibly perplexing time. Aside from the obvious symptom of having a child growing inside of them, and the physical growth associated with that, pregnant women experience an onslaught of mental and emotional effects as well. Their hormones are rapidly changing, which can cause the trademark symptoms of food cravings, mood swings and morning sickness, along with many more. Pregnant women are extremely tough.

#1 This Is The Absolute Sweetest
Many women share their hilarious food combinations online, after experiencing inexplicable cravings. There is not one single answer as to why women experience these cravings, however. Explanations include changes in hormones, sensory sensitivity, shifting nutritional needs, cultural expectations and simply a desire for comfort. One study from The State University of New York Albany, found that some of the most common pregnancy cravings for women in the US include sweets, pizza, chips, fruit and animal proteins. Some of the more cliché examples, such as ice cream, pickles and fast food, are common as well.

Creative food combinations, another rite of passage during pregnancy, might be spurred by changes in smell and taste buds, writes Wendy Wisner for Verywell Family. Whatever the reason for these cravings may be, if jalapeños on fruity cereal provides comfort for an exhausted pregnant woman, who am I to stop her from enjoying that?