How to Use Rose Petals for Their Skin Benefits

How to Make Rosewater at Home

Organic rose petals
Divya Viswanathan, founder of Taza Ayurveda, says her mother often makes this rosewater recipe. Her mother sometimes uses the rosewater to make ice cubes that she applies to her face to stay cool in the Mumbai heat.

Directions: Collect rose flowers, preferably organic, smaller roses as they tend to be more fragrant. Separate the petals and rinse them in cold water to remove any debris. Add the roses to a pot and cover them with water (Not too much or you will dilute the rose water). Simmer the roses for 20-30 minutes on medium to low heat until the roses lose color. Cool and strain. The rosewater can be stored in the fridge for a week or poured over an ice cube tray and frozen.