12 Birds You Can Spot During the Winter Season

A common winter birding misconception is that there are few birds to enjoy during the coldest months. In fact, many beautiful and unusual birds are eager to visit feeders in the winter because of scarce food supplies. There are so many species of birds you can spot in the winter. From the Bohemian Waxwing to the Snow Bunting, you have your pick of majestic birds to look for in freezing temperatures. These 12 birds are just a few you might find at your feeders in the winter, if you know how to attract them and what winter foods to offer for a tasty and nutritious treat. Bohemian Waxwing

Common Name: Bohemian Waxwing
Scientific Name: Bombycilla garrulus

The bohemian waxwing is common in winter in the northwest and northern Rocky Mountain regions, though in irruption years these colorful birds can appear in any northern region. Often confused with their more common cousins, the cedar waxwings, bohemian waxwings are slightly larger and have rusty undertail coverts, a rufous wash on the face, and a gray chest and abdomen instead of the cedar waxwing's brighter yellow markings. These birds will eagerly flock to fruit trees in the winter, and they will also dive into the snow for water. Backyard birders can attract them in great numbers by offering a heated bird bath for liquid water in the winter.