Jessica, A Model With Down Syndrome, Is Shattering Beauty Standards And Paving The Way For Others

One can argue that modeling isn’t necessarily about the model itself, but the model being the canvas for the art that is fashion. But then you start to question, why can this art be created solely on a one-dimensional surface when the world is full of everything but one specific type? Does art imitate life or should life imitate art, as so many of us try to do? Following idols, strict diets, judging yourself for what you have or don’t have just because a piece of fabric does not fit you in the way it is glorified to.

Certain people in modern society have tried to end the glorification of one notion and not another, aiming to unify the differences to represent the world as it is – beautifully diverse. To end the expectations on beauty, to end its definitions, categorizations, sizes and measurements. This is a story of one model’s journey, fighting one enemy on two different fronts. Its name – discrimination.

More info: Instagram

Meet Jessica Jacinto! A model with Down syndrome reconstructing the standards of beauty