Meet the ‘Cradle of Venus’ Orchid, One of the Most Beautiful Flowers in the World

The “cradle of Venus” orchid, a flower that occurs in the humid jungles of the mountains in South America, from Colombia to Peru, and is little known.

The “cradle of Venus” orchid, a beautiful and little-known flower

Nature is simply extraordinary.

It has allowed us to live with unique species, to marvel at great landscapes and to be impressed by its small creations.

Flowers represent all that, they are a symbol of beauty, gratitude and special instances. They all have something special, but some are simply over the top.

This is the case of the “cradle of Venus” orchid, a flower that grows in the humid jungles of the mountains in South America, from Colombia to Peru, and is little known. Its interior is the great attribute, as it seems to have small babies in this kind of “cradle”.

It is a reminder, a demonstration of greatness. What each flower contains inside is very similar to a child, it emulates mother nature.

These beautiful plants are known for their delicacy and sobriety, but also for a great attractiveness. This particular species is the Anguloa, rather represents a genus of these flowers and is distributed in the humid jungles of the South American mountains.
