Meet “Stuckie” — The Mummified Dog Who Has Been Stuck In A Tree For Over 50 Years

The mummified dog was a shocking find for the loggers, who were working on cutting the tree into pieces and almost turned it into mulch.

There are some things loggers expect to come across when cutting down trees. Bird’s nests and things stuck in the branches seem like a given – a mummified dog in the center of a tree, however, does not.

There are some things loggers expect to come across when cutting down trees. Bird’s nests and things stuck in the branches seem like a given – a mummified dog in the center of a tree, however, does not.

But that’s exactly what a team of loggers with the Georgia Kraft Corp. found while cutting down a tree in the 1980s.

The loggers were working on a grove of chestnut oaks in southern Georgia when they found a most unusual sight.