Amazing Nature
03 April 2023 ( 59 views )

Northern Royal Flycatcher (Onychorhynchus mexicanus)

Scientific name: (Onychorhynchus (coronatus) coronatus)

Description: The royal flycatcher is a species of flycatcher bird native to Central and South American tropical and sub-tropical rain-forests.  There are several sub-species such as Atlantic Royal Flycatcher, Northern Royal Flycatcher, Amazonian Royal Flycatcher. The bird is small, about 18-26cm in size and has brown or buff body with pale black spots. The most attractive part is the fan like beautiful crest which is completely raised after mating, during courtship, while prining and specially when handled. Males have bright red crest, while females have orange or rich yellow crest. Both crests are bordered with black colour and have black circular spots. The bird is quite and shy. With its beautiful appearance it has a unique ability to make nest. It makes a long hanging nest over or near water sources. As the name implies, the bird mainly feeds on insects.

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