Despite their massive appearance, large breeds of dogs are generally well-tempered, loving, relaxed and loyal animals! When you think of a big dog, you probably think of a Great Dane. These Huge dogs love to curl up in spaces and normally reserved for the little guys, like laps and beds. Sometimes Great Danes just do not know their own size. Additionally, this breed is very large a since-deceased Great Dane by the name of Zeus holds the world record for the tallest dog, standing at 44 inches from paw to shoulder.
According to American Kennel Club, Great Danes are Friendly, Patient, Dependable. Great Danes currently rank as the 24th most popular dog breed. Their life expectancy is 7 – 10 years. If you are fond of Great Danes and are looking to bring one into your family, check out these adorable and hilarious pictures of these huggable and huge dogs.
#1 Louis Made A New Friend

#2 Blind Great Dane Lily Has Her Friend Maddison Who Takes Her For Walks

#3 Lunging With The Great Dane. Is It Exercise Or Playtime?

#4 Settling In For Nap Time

#5 I Have The Real Scooby Doo

#6 I Trained My Great Dane To Take Selfies With Me – If I’m Sitting And Extend My Arm With My Phone In Hand, She Plops Up Next To Me, Leans, And Gives The Camera This Look

#7 Just Having A Small Talk About This And That

#8 My Graceful Great Dane Hendrix

#9 This Is Why I Love Great Danes

#10 Have You Seen My Ball?

#11 Pippin, A Innocent & Helpless Baby Fawn Was Left By Her Mother. Great Dane Kate Adopted Pippin Soon & They Have Been Best Friends Ever Since

#12 This Dog Is Turning Into A Pancake

#13 14-Week-Old Great Dane Pup

#14 The Noble Great Dane

#15 My Great Dane Puppy Makes This Face Every Time I Take Carrots Out Of The Fridge

#16 She Firmly Believes She’s A Lap Dog

#17 Son Talked Us Into Going To The Animal Shelter Saying He Wanted A Small Dog. Worth It For That Smile

#18 Cutest Great Dane Mom And Puppy Picture Ever

#19 My Dane Loves Listening To My Nan’s Stories

#20 Great Dane Jumping On The Trampoline

#21 Bigboye Decided This Couch Belongs To Him

#22 The Paw Of My 4-Month-Old Great Dane

#23 My Sister Caught Her New Great Dane Puppy Sleeping Like This

#24 My 6-Months-Old Great Dane (Now 90 Lbs) Is Still BFFs With My Cat

#25 Comfortable Seat

#26 The Reaction I Get When I Tell Him To Get Off The Chair

#27 A Good Great Dane Is A Substitute To These Abandoned Kittens. Well Done, Pongo

#28 Seems Like Lab Is His Best Chair

#29 Very Rare Great Dane With A Human Body

#30 Extremely Rare Great Dane With A Human Body

#31 Our Two Great Danes Used To Sleep Like This