25 most spectacular and beautiful Beetle Species

18. Ladybird Beetles
Close-up of a ladybug walking on a daisy
Klaus Vartzbed / EyeEm / Getty Images
Ladybird beetles (Coccinellidae), more commonly known as ladybugs, are small, polka-dotted natural pest controllers. They love to feast on aphids and other insects that threaten gardens, orchards, and crops.

Despite the vital role they play in agriculture, ladybirds can seem like pests themselves. During the winter, the otherwise solitary beetles can be found cozying up to each other in massive clumps called "aggregations." These seasonal gatherings can sometimes frustrate humans, as they often take place in warm houses. Nevertheless, a ladybug infestation is totally harmless; the bugs don't carry diseases, damage structures, or lay eggs indoors.